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14-16ft - $220 + $17.38 tax = $237.38

17-20ft - $240 + $18.96 tax = $258.96

21-24ft - $295 + $23.731 tax = $318.31

25-33ft - $390 + $30.81 tax = $420.81

Dry sail storage is a privilege offered to all members, so long as the Member holds either an Active or Active Life Class of Club membership and is in good standing under the Club's By-Laws, who wish to launch their boats on a per use basis and shall be respected as such. Violation of any part of this contract could result in loss of storage privileges. The following rules and conditions are all part of this contract:

Space will be assigned by seniority based on boat type and availability. Since we have various size spaces available, we must assign spaces to boats appropriate for the space. If space is in short supply, recognized sailing fleets will be given preference. A member who is assigned a space may renew his/her contract for the same space in subsequent years, subject to such terms as the Club then offers.  However, the Club shall have the option to refuse the renewal or reassignment of the space to a member on the waiting list if during the term of the contract the assigned space was not occupied, or the space was not used by the boat described herein.  Furthermore, if the member, during the term of this contract, violated its terms or conditions or any rules published by the Grounds Committee, the Club shall have the option to refuse renewal or reassignment.

Only the boat described in this contract may occupy the assigned space unless permission to place another boat there is obtained in writing from the Grounds Director. All other conditions of this contract still apply.

Boats stored in dry sail spaces must be on a trailer appropriate to its size and type, as determined by the Grounds Committee.

All boats in dry sail storage that weigh less than 3000 pounds can be launched or retrieved by our small North or South derricks and must be rigged for a single point connection to the derrick hook.  All boats in dry sail storage that weigh more than 3000 pounds are required to launch at the public boat launch ramps to the South of the club.

Dry sailed boats may not be launched from the large derrick.

Assigned spaces may only be occupied by boats on trailers. Cars, trucks, empty trailers, trailers used for storage of equipment for other boats or any other items may not be stored in those spaces.

All boats must display a current Grounds Committee sticker on the stern of the stored boat. Boats without stickers are not allowed in the Dry Sail area and may not use the small derricks. The sticker on the boat must match the slot in which it is stored.  Stickers are available at the Club office.

The Grounds Committee reserves the right to move any stored boat on Club grounds when it deems it necessary for any reason without permission or notification of the owner.

Owners are required to keep the area around their boat clean and free of debris. If it becomes necessary for the Club to clean the area, the member may be assessed the cost of the cleanup.

Electric cords may not be connected to Club power and left unattended at any time.

If the contract holder does not store their boat in their assigned dry sail space by July 1st, the club reserves the right to rent out the space on a transient basis.  If the space is being rented to a transient boat, contract holders are to notify the club office 48 hours before occupation of the space to allow the transient renter to vacate the space.  If the contract holder doesn’t store his or her boat by July 15th, this contract will not be renewed the next year.

All dry sail stored boats must be removed from Club grounds before the winter haul-out starts, the date of which is announced in Club publications. It is the responsibility of the member to be aware of this date. A daily penalty will be assessed after this date.

By accepting the terms and conditions of this contract, the member certifies that he/she is the majority owner of the described boat and must be willing to show evidence of this ownership if requested to do so by the Club. Failure to provide such evidence may be grounds for termination of this contract, or other disciplinary action by the Club.

The member is liable for damage to docks, piers, club facilities, or other boats when caused by his or her action or neglect, or the action or neglect of his or her guests.

It is expressly understood that it is the responsibility of the Member to adequately insure his or her property. The Club requires proof of insurance and be covered by at least $300,000.00 of liability Insurance.

The Club is not and will not be responsible for any injuries (including death), or property damage resulting, caused by, or growing out of the use of the small derricks, docks or harbor facilities of the Club. The Member releases and discharges the Club and its officers, directors and employees from any and all liability for such loss, injury, death or damage to persons or property sustained while in or on the facilities of the Club.  The use of Club facilities is entirely voluntary and at the risk of the Member.

This contract must be signed by the member before the boat can be stored or launched.

A signed copy of this contract MUST be returned no later than March 21, 2025.  Payment in full is due by April 25, 2025. If a signed contract & payment is not returned by these date, it may jeopardize you retaining your dry sail space.  Your stickers will be mailed to your residence on file before Memorial Day, 2025.

I have read the foregoing entry, including its release provisions, and I accept its term and conditions. I understand that checking "yes" in this form constitutes my irrevocable, legally binding signature.

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Hoist/Small Derrick Liability Waiver

I acknowledge the risks inherent in boating and properties associated with boating including the Yacht Club/Marina. I further acknowledge that South Shore Yacht Club shall not be liable for any loss or damage to any person or property, including the Boat, due to hoist/small derrick operation fire, theft, collision, windstorm, rain, ice, snow, cold weather, accidents or acts of God or third parties, whether Licensees of the Club/Marina or not, or due to other causes not enumerated above.

I shall be liable for, and shall hold South Shore Yacht Club harmless from, any loss, property damage or personal injury suffered by the Licensor or user or other persons caused by directly or indirectly by the Boat or operator including, but not limited to: damage or injury caused by the operation of the Boat or the South Shore Yacht Club marina /small derrick hoist by myself or persons permitted by myself to operate the Boat: damage or injury caused by the Boat while moored or in dry storage or in the hoist or after breaking away from its mooring; or damage or injury caused by substances (including fuel or objects) or dangerous conditions in or on the Boat, the docks, the hoist or South Shore Yacht Club premises.

I shall likewise be liable for and shall hold South Shore Yacht club harmless from any loss, property damage or personal injury caused by acts of my guests and crew using these premises, whether at South Shore Yacht Club’s invitation or not.

Use and operation of the Club’s hoist is at my own risk and South Shore Yacht Club is not liable for any damages to licensee’s property that may occur while using the hoist. I am responsible for proper securement of the boat and maintenance of hardware and lines on the boat including the hoist chains and slings.

I understand the following hoist/small derrick rules:

  • Use of the hoist/small derrick is at my own risk.
  • The capacity of the hoist/small derrick is 1-1/2 tons (3,000 pounds) and I shall not overload it.
  • No standing under suspended load.
  • No persons or animals are permitted to ride in a suspended load.
  • I will lock and secure and tie off the hoist when not in use and hang up the controls when thru with use.
  • I will promptly report any hoist/small derrick problems to the Club office.
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South Shore Yacht Club
2300 E Nock Street
Milwaukee, WI 53207
(414) 481-2331

